Sep 18, 2012

Things will never be the same

“You know that we are living in a material world” could be already revised to “You know that we are living in a multi-screen world”. Is it truth? Yes, it is!

Each day, wherever we go there are at least three devices in our life, which ones we check every hour, even every minute – the smartphone, the PC/ laptop and the TV. And here comes a text from another song “That’s just the way it is. Things will never be the same”.

The times, when we had only TV and radio are gone. The times, when we had only TV, radio and phone as well. Now there are so many mobile devices in our life, which are very important for us, that we could not imagine a single day without them – the phone, the PC/ laptop, the tablet. And this is the reason why every communication strategy should be developed in line with this tendency. 

There is very interesting research made my Google and IPSOS this year. This research is among 1600 U.S. adults, named “The New Multi-screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior”.

There are two modes of multi-screening, described in the study – the sequential usage and the simultaneous usage. Here are their graphics:

Some of the findings of the research show that:
  • 90% of people move between devices to accomplish a goal
  • 77% of people watch TV with another device in hand
  • 66% of all purchase decisions start on a smart phone
  • 80% of smartphone usage is spontaneous and only 20% are planned
  • 52% of PC/ laptop usage is spontaneous and 48% are planned etc.

 And here is the summary:

So, how many screens do you have right now in your life?

Have a great day.

Image Source:
Graphics Source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling, 2012

Sep 7, 2012

Where do good designs come from?

Once Danny Sengers said, that "good designs come from the heart, not from the brain".

And here comes the question how important is in fact to be serious by designing?

In the video today Paula Scher, which is one of the famous designers and typographers of our time, presents her point of view on the "serious design". She's confessing, that she was serious only 4 times in her 35-years experience.

Let's see and enjoy her designs in the presentation below! 

Be inspired!


What's the purpose of a company?

Although I don't like the word "guru", he is an awesome marketing guru. He is Philip Kotler.

Today there's really worth seeing interview with him. It's like kind of a modern teaching course in marketing.
  • Is the mass advertising effective? 
  • How do we know, that the product is marketable? 
  • What are the key ingredients in a good marketing plan? 
  • What's the marketing advantage of internet as a media? 
  • What impact has the globalization on marketing?
  • How the marketing approach in Japan differs from the marketing approach in US?
Answers on these and much more questions are in the video today. Enjoy it!

And yes, "the purpose of the company is to create a customer, not a product" as Peter Drucker said 40 years ago.

And what's your purpose?


Sep 6, 2012

What happens when you extend the life of a physical project on the web?

I hope, that everybody thinks the same as Lawrence Lessig, when he says, that  "the internet is encouraging a wide range of people to create and to share their creativity".

The video today is presenting 3 main topics, related with internet:
  • Art in the era of the internet - an interview with Yancey Strickler (a founder of Kickstarter)
  • Creative commons modernizes ownership - an interview with Lawrence Lessig (a founding board member of Creative Commons)
  • Creators project connects physical to digital - an interview with Julia Kaganskiy (editor of  Creators Project) and Ciel Hunter (creative director of Creators Project)
If we have to answer on "What's the connection between creativity and internet?", the best answer is in the words of Julia Kaganskiy, who says, that "when extend the life of a physical project on the web, and give people the ability to remix that media, they’ll do some really inventive stuff with it." Don't you think so?

And here is the video. Enjoy it!


Image Source:

Sep 5, 2012

He believed, that there's no such thing as national advertising

Morris L. Hite (1910 - 1983) is one of the advertising leaders in America as chosen by the American Advertising Federation.

He strongly believed in the consumer research and he was a real innovator in this area.

Believing in the individual approach in the communication with the consumers, Hite said, that "there's no such thing as national advertising. All advertising is local and personal. It's one man or woman reading one newspaper in the kitchen or watching TV in the den".

Here is a video for Morris L. Hite career highlights, which one is really worth seeing.

One of my favorite quotes of Hite is, that "there is more money wasted in advertising by underspending than by overspending. Years ago someone said that underspending in advertising is like buying a ticket halfway to Europe. You've spent your, money but you never get there."

Have a great day. 

Sep 2, 2012

When we buy, we buy the story. Really?

Telling stories is not something new in the world of Marketing and Advertising. There is written so much about the ability of the good marketers to tell stories about the products, which stories to make emotional relationship between the products and the consumers.

But it’s not just about telling a story. It’s about telling a worthy authentic story, because “when we buy, we buy the story – the way it makes us feel. Buying a product, we send a message”.

This is what Seth Godin says in his lecture about the power of telling authentic stories in a low-trust world. He believes, that “in the era of the emotional marketing, if you want me to talk about something, you better deep down love it, or else why should I?”

And here is the lecture. Enjoy it!

Have a great Monday and start creating your awesome story today, because life isn't about finding yourself - life if about creating yourself.


Image Source:

What has Jef I. Richards said?

"Is advertising a profession, like law or medicine? 

How many new parents clutch their baby to their breast and declare:

 'I want this child to grow up to be a media planner'?"