Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts

Jun 12, 2013

This blog is already on

Hi everybody,

There's already a new continuation of this blog - it is the creative zone for Marketing Challenges


Have a great time in the creative zone!

Meet you there!


Apr 26, 2013

The world is crowded with pretenders

 Yes, it is. There are so many pretenders and only a small amount of leaders.

It's strange, that the organizations give courage to the first type of people. It's strange that they are a majority. It's strange that they have so big self-confidence, based on so little knowledge, skills, business ethic and style.

Sometimes doing strange things leads to a success, but not in this case.

The good news are that at the end the real thing always beats the fake one.

So guys, don't become reconciled with the pretenders. Make the change. Don't be a chief, become a real leader - the business world needs you desperately.


Image Source:

Apr 20, 2013

Feeling vs. thinking

In the business and especially in Marketing the way leaders make decision has great importance.

Often there's a war between feelings and thinking, between ego and professionalism. How to clear you mind, how to think?

In the video below Maira Kalmar is describing especially this issue.

Enjoy it!


Apr 12, 2013

iPhone Apps - free or not?

Sometimes the truth is sooo interesting...


There's so much data

Yes, the data never sleeps and the information below illustrates it. You could see how much data is generated only for a minute on internet.

Is it scary or just crazy? How much information could you bear?


Be good in the negotiating

You could have the perfect product, but if you don't know how to communicate it or how to negotiate with the subcontractors, partners, wholesale and retail dealers, you don't have anything.

The negotiation skills are among the most important business skills. And here are some advices about it.


Don't be a fake one

There are so many people
  • working with ENTHUSIASM
  • SHOWING pro-activity. 
They always look busy and POUND THE ALARM how busy they are, so that the whole world to know it and especially the boss.

They WORK HARD, while all they have to do is to WORK SMARTER & EFFECTIVELY. Working hard doesn't mean you work effectively. Trying to look good in the eyes of your boss, doesn't make you a real professional & a leader, it makes you a fake one.

Enjoy the image below and think about it!


Apr 8, 2013

Multitasking - are you sure?

There are so many busy people, so many multitasking people. They talk on the phones, eating at the same time and reading the notebooks, while listening the news on the radio. Nowadays being a multitasking person is a symbol of being modern and yes - of being the cliche "cool".

But how it reflects on the productivity? See below and make you conclusions.


Manager vs. Leader

In the world full of directors and managers, there is no place for being just an "ordinary guy".

And if you want to be not just another director/ manager, but a real leader there's no place for fawning - there's only a place for being talented, inspirational and filled with passion. That's what makes the difference between the director and the leader. That's the reason why there are so many managers/ directors and so few leaders.


Apr 4, 2013

Mobile vs. personal

Isn't it scary that among all 7 billion people in the world, 4 billion own a mobile phone and only 3.5 billion own a toothbrush?

How far will the technology go? Will the "personal" be replaced by the "technological"? See the facts about the rise of the mobile data lovers below and think about it.


Mar 18, 2013

Amazon top 5 best sellers in section Marketing

How many books do you read for an year? Is the reading one of your yearly aims?

Having in mind how negative the TV news and films are getting and what of wonderful channel for a manipulation the TV is, it's better to read books. But the truth is people prefer the TV, the computer and the phone instead of the books.

What did the wise people said about the books:
  •  "A room without books is like a body without a soul", Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • "So many books, so little time", Frank Zappa
  •  "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library", Jorge Luis Borges
  • "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book", Groucho Marx 

I recommend you to read worthy books, because they really enrich you - books for personal realization, fiction, marketing & business books.

The top 5 best selling books in Amazon in section Marketing today are:
  • "We are all weird", Seth Godin
  • "Contagious: Why things catch on",  Jonah Berger & Keith Nobbs
  • "The tipping point:How little things can make a big difference", Malcolm Gladwell
  • "Blue Ocean Stratgegy: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant", W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne 
  • "Ultimate guide to google AdWords (Ultimate Series)", Perry Marshall, Bryan Todd

Chose one and don't forget to fly!


Image Source:

Mar 15, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Today the blog "Marketing, Advertising & Copyright" has its first birthday.

Thanks to all the fans, which spend their time on the pages of the blog and on its facebook page!

Be inspired and DON'T FORGET TO FLY!

Mar 13, 2013

Leadership in questions

Where do you look for an inspiration?

Are you the kind of person who waits for the inspiration to come or you create it?

Do you think the world owns you or you own the world?

What was the last "crazy" thing you did and that made you feel so much passion?

When for the last time you felt so much enthusiasm and passion, that you believed you can change the world?

Which was the last business and marketing book, that you read?

When for the last time you've made a good change around you?

Think about it....

Because each good leader knows how, believes, inspires others, makes a good change and NEVER FORGETS HOW TO FLY and how to make others do it as well!


Image Source:

Mar 5, 2013

"Smarter" times

For the brands nowadays is important to choose the right time, place and channel to engage the consumers, because they don't want in fact to be interrupted. Especially when we're living in the "smarter" time - the time of the smart TV, smart phones and smart devices.

The point of view of Doug Scott on this case is really interesting. Enjoy the video below!


Mar 1, 2013

What a branding, what a name

How important is the name of your company or of your store?

Very very important!

  • it stays in the time
  • people will remember you through it
  • it shows how you want to be perceived
  • it illustrates your strenghts

It's YOU. 

So, how crazy you should be to create the names below :)


Feb 19, 2013

Working with a Master

I love the thought of Robin Sharma, that "there is huge "absorptive power" working with a Master, in the field you want to be the dominant player in. Her mindset and ways of performing influence you at multiple levels so you become their performance." 
This is the reason why it's so important to work with real leaders and not with just ambitious amateurs, moved by their complexes.
Image Source: 

Feb 18, 2013

Don't be just a boss - upgrade yourself

In the century of the bosses, here is a useful illustration of the differences between the Boss and the Leader.

Enjoy it!


Source: Notes to Quote

Leadership is...

Robin Sharma says, that "the job of the leader is to grow more leaders". Then why when somebody receives the title "Director" or "Manager" often happens the opposite thing? There are so many leaders without leadership qualities, who try to cover up this lack through simulating some kind of busyness, a lot of talking (yes, they talk always a lot and always "know everything") and intrigues. Often this kind of "leaders" look nervous and want to make the people of their team nervous and strained too, because even they are stressed by the truth, that are not good enough. In this situation the only way to keep the lie alive is to create the stress in your team. So they do it.
The truth is that the real leader has to lead through INSPIRATION. And where we have fear, there's no place for an inspiration. The fear says "I'll do it, because I'm scared for my job place, but I don't like what I do" - this thing makes people unhappy. I don't know a good product to be created by unhappy people (the bug always appears on some level). At the same time the inspiration says "I'll do it, because I like it and it has a meaning".
The fear in the leadership is the opposite pole of the inspiration and the leaders, who lead through fear are in fact no leaders. They are just amateurs, who want to be leaders, but don't know how to achieve it.

That's why I'm happy to know personally some real leaders, who really make the difference. And I'm even more happy and proud to work with them.
Yours K.K.
Image Source: 

Feb 12, 2013

Addicted to Guerilla Marketing

Nowadays is really important not just to be different, but to be different in a distinctive way.

So it's not a secret why I adore so much the Guerilla Marketing.

And here are another artworks. Enjoy them!

Have a great day,

Feb 4, 2013

What is a brand?

Brand & logo - logo and brand. Sometimes people don't know the difference and even the so called "strategic planners", accounts and creatives don't know the meaning of the "Brand".

In fact, the brand is not just a logo. There's a difference between logo, product, brand character and brand.

The best deffinition for a brand I believe is the one of Colin Bates (Building brands), who says that "a brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer".
