Apr 26, 2013

The world is crowded with pretenders

 Yes, it is. There are so many pretenders and only a small amount of leaders.

It's strange, that the organizations give courage to the first type of people. It's strange that they are a majority. It's strange that they have so big self-confidence, based on so little knowledge, skills, business ethic and style.

Sometimes doing strange things leads to a success, but not in this case.

The good news are that at the end the real thing always beats the fake one.

So guys, don't become reconciled with the pretenders. Make the change. Don't be a chief, become a real leader - the business world needs you desperately.


Image Source: weheartit.com

Apr 21, 2013

A worth thing

Talking about social campaigns, here is Toronto's "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes" parade to end violence against women. 

A worth thing!


Apr 20, 2013

Robin Sharma's Quote

"Want more passion? Pursue a larger purpose."
                                                          Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma's Quote

"Unsuccessful people get jealous when they watch the Mastery of others. Successful people get inspired."
                                                                                                                                                             Robin Sharma

Seneca's Quote

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It's because we do not dare that things are difficult."

Robin Sharma's Quote

"Competition's not ruining your business. Distractions are."
                                                                                         Robin Sharma

Feeling vs. thinking

In the business and especially in Marketing the way leaders make decision has great importance.

Often there's a war between feelings and thinking, between ego and professionalism. How to clear you mind, how to think?

In the video below Maira Kalmar is describing especially this issue.

Enjoy it!


Apr 17, 2013

Robin Sharma's Quote

"Less ego. More excellence."
                                      Robin Sharma

K. Lagerfeld's Quote

“I am so much down to earth! Just not this Earth.”
                                                                              K. Lagerfeld

Apr 15, 2013

Oh, this creativity

A lot of creative people create nothing but a complicated thing. For them more complicated means more creative. If fact the truth is on the opposite side  - making the complicated simple, that's creative.

Enjoy the image below!


Apr 12, 2013

The Inspiration

Where is the inspiration?

How to find it or cultivate it?

For sure it's the base for each success. It's the MUST in the beginning and during the whole process.

Here is a map with 9 paths to the inspiration. Enjoy it!


iPhone Apps - free or not?

Sometimes the truth is sooo interesting...


Successful people - successful habits

What successful people do differently?

Which are their winning habits?

What they focus on?

Here are the answers. Enjoy them!


There's so much data

Yes, the data never sleeps and the information below illustrates it. You could see how much data is generated only for a minute on internet.

Is it scary or just crazy? How much information could you bear?


Be good in the negotiating

You could have the perfect product, but if you don't know how to communicate it or how to negotiate with the subcontractors, partners, wholesale and retail dealers, you don't have anything.

The negotiation skills are among the most important business skills. And here are some advices about it.


Don't be a fake one

There are so many people
  • working with ENTHUSIASM
  • SHOWING pro-activity. 
They always look busy and POUND THE ALARM how busy they are, so that the whole world to know it and especially the boss.

They WORK HARD, while all they have to do is to WORK SMARTER & EFFECTIVELY. Working hard doesn't mean you work effectively. Trying to look good in the eyes of your boss, doesn't make you a real professional & a leader, it makes you a fake one.

Enjoy the image below and think about it!


Apr 9, 2013

Oh, these mad clients

If you work in the advertising business, there are client's requirements, which will make you very mad now, but in the future you'll laugh about them.

Here are some examples of what I mean. Enjoy them :)


Apr 8, 2013

Time management

There's no successful leadership without good organizational skills. And there could be no good organization without a good time management.

Here is a worth material about this issue.

Enjoy it!



...and another 29 fresh ways to stay creative.

Just follow :)


Dale Carnegie's Quote

Talking about leadership...


Multitasking - are you sure?

There are so many busy people, so many multitasking people. They talk on the phones, eating at the same time and reading the notebooks, while listening the news on the radio. Nowadays being a multitasking person is a symbol of being modern and yes - of being the cliche "cool".

But how it reflects on the productivity? See below and make you conclusions.


Manager vs. Leader

In the world full of directors and managers, there is no place for being just an "ordinary guy".

And if you want to be not just another director/ manager, but a real leader there's no place for fawning - there's only a place for being talented, inspirational and filled with passion. That's what makes the difference between the director and the leader. That's the reason why there are so many managers/ directors and so few leaders.


Creativity is/ will/ make/ can


Creative people are...

Some say that creative people are a different kind of people. In fact they are like others, but with different habits. The habits are what differentiates them from the rest.

And what are your habits? Are you creative?

Here are some descriptions of the creative people - do you fit them?


Building great campaigns

If you want to build great campaigns, learn by the greatest in this field.

Here are the advices of one of them - David Ogilvy.

Enjoy it!


Apr 4, 2013

Mobile vs. personal

Isn't it scary that among all 7 billion people in the world, 4 billion own a mobile phone and only 3.5 billion own a toothbrush?

How far will the technology go? Will the "personal" be replaced by the "technological"? See the facts about the rise of the mobile data lovers below and think about it.
