Aug 16, 2012

It's not in the list of the best ads of Olympics Y'12, but it's in the list of the best ads of a retailer ever

Have you heard about Sears? This is a 125-year-old brand of a leading integrated retailer with over 3 900 full-line and specialty retail stores in the United Stated and Canada.

This retailer launched its new ad during the 2012 Olympics. The old slogans in the previous commercials of the company "Come see the softer side of Sears" and "Sears. Life. Well spent." were changed to the last version "This is Sears". And the newest ad of Sears is in fact one of the favorite commercials, which is aired during the 2012 Olympics.

Here comes the question - Why?
  • Because, it's not just an ad about a boring retailer. It's an ad about an experience, which Sears stores provide to the clients.
  • It's an ad, which surprises. First you think, that this is another commercial cliche about happy young people, which will lead to the next usual product in this cases as food, drink or parfume. And - oh, surprise! It's a commercial for a retailer, which provides innovative products, that can't be found elsewhere.
  • The key word in this ad is "surprise". And the creative is related exactly with the idea, that this well known retailer still can surprise its customers with the best innovative products it provides.

I like the summer mood in this commercial, the fresh creative concept and the "surprising" element in it. I like the way the creative idea is executed as well.

And look outside. It's still summer. Go out and enjoy it :)

Be happy!

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