May 31, 2012

The choice

In our life we make a choice every day, hour, minute, second. We create our future and the future of our business by the choices we made.

Do you believe, that having big choice makes clients happier? The truth is that it makes them more dissatisfied.

Life is matter of choice. Business as well.

What Barry Schwartz believes is that "addding options to people's lives can't help, but increase the expectations, people have about how good those options would be and what that's gonna produce is less satisfaction with results, even when they are good results. Nobody in the world of marketing knows this."

And here is the presentation of Barry Schwartz about the paradox of choice. Enjoy it!

Be careful with your choice, because it determines your future.

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May 30, 2012

Is there a future for the television

So many people think, that internet will kill the television. Do you believe it? I don't.

I believe, that internet will just transform the television and this will provide new opportunities for the advertisers to create new kind of deeper relationships with the consumers, but the television will not disappear.

Here are six-part documentary series about the future of the television, which are presenting in very useful way all the aspects of this case. Enjoy it!

Don't forget to create your future each day.

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May 29, 2012

Word of mouth marketing

Could the word of mouth marketing conversations be measured and monitored?
The answer is in the video today. Enjoy it!

Have a great day.

Let the music play in the advertising industry

There are so many advertising agencies - big and small ones, national and international. And all they pretend to be very creative and effective. How to choose the right one? There are questions, which ones the clients have to ask the agencies, in order to make decision (and it's good not only to ask, but also to check it by themselves as well):

  • how often the general manager meets his staff and talks with it
  • how often the staff has been changed
  • how often there have been organized team buildings for the staff
  • how often the staff goes to seminars and improvement courses etc.
...because the way one advertising agency treats its staff determines the way it will treat the client.

I admire the managers in advertising agencies, which belong to the category REAL ONES - these ones, which make not the theater, but the valuable end product. The managers, who know how to "create a music" and not only to consume it. One of them is William Bernbach. He was one of the 3 founders of DDB advertising agency in 1949. He's the man, who said: 

"I don't think, that you can teach art. I don't think, you teach persuasion. I think, all you can teach is knowledge...The only thing, that could take you from knowledge to the future is an idea into a new area". 

Here are two parts of interview with William (Bill) Bernbach, which are a real pleasure.

Be inspired, but don't forget to inspire and let the music play.

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May 27, 2012

Masks are created to be destroyed

In Bulgaria there are so many “Directors” and “Managers” in the area of advertising, producing and marketing – almost everybody has in its job title one of these two magic words. But the title doesn’t give skills and knowledge. The title doesn’t give professionalism either. This is the reason why so many people are Managers and Directors on their business cards, but in the reality there is so big lack of Leadership and real professional value in their actions. You can hide the truth, but for no longer, because the masks are created to be destroyed. I love people without masks. And what about you?

Here is an interesting interview with Daniel Goleman about the leadership and social intelligence and how important they are. Enjoy it!

Live your life without a mask and be a real leader.
Yours K.K.

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May 26, 2012

Do you want to be more creative in your business or in the art?

Hugh MacLeod is giving us so many worth advices on the creative life in his book "Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity". One of my favorite ones is:

The most important thing a creative per­son can learn professionally is where to draw the red line that separates what you are willing to do, and what you are not. Art suffers the moment other people start paying for it. The more you need the money, the more people will tell you what to do. The less control you will have. The more bullshit you will have to swallow. The less joy it will bring. Know this and plan accordingly.”

Nowadays there are so many creative persons in the advertising agencies, which ones have so big creative potential, but they don't draw the red line. And it's not because they don't know how, but because they are not allowed to do it. It's so sad, that they accept this situation. They prefer to be well-paid rather than being professionals in what they do. And what do you prefer? 

Have a nice day,

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May 25, 2012

Tim Brown

Today Tim Brown is talking about the link between the creativity and the play.
Here are 28 minutes, worth seeing.


May 24, 2012

How important is the creative brief?

The creative brief is very important part of the creative work in one advertising agency. If there's no correct client's brief, there will be no correct creative brief to the creative department and the result will be unsatisfying for sure. The creative brief is the basic part of the creative work, because it determines the direction of this work. If you set the wrong direction with the creative brief, the whole work of the creative department will be wasted.

Here is very interesting example of a creative brief, consisting only 3 words:  

"Sharing a Coke"

This brief Ogilvy and Mather China send to Jonathan Mak, in order to create a poster design for Coca Cola. And here is the amazing result, which one appeared in Shanghai.

Jonathan Mak is 20 years old graphic design student in Hong Kong, which one was first notices by its wonderful adaptation of the Apple logo - his tribute to Steve Jobs.

Jonathan says for the Apple image: "It has been half a year since my image went viral, and it never ceases to amaze me how much the incident has affected me."

Have a nice day.

Source: Jonathan Mak's blog.

May 23, 2012

Kevin Roberts on lovemarks

What does it mean "lovemark"?

It means creating a brand, for which the consumer has "loyalty beyond reason".

And here is a lovely interview with the founder of the idea for the lovemarks - Kevin Roberts. Enjoy it!

Have a nice day.

Attitudes and beliefs about creativity

Creativity is.... - complete the sentence.

Or if you could not complete it, here are interesting facts of a research on attitudes and beliefs about creativity:

  • Globally, Japan is regarded the most creative country, except by the Japanese 
  • Americans believe the US is the most creative  
  • Only 1 in 4 people feel that they are living up to their creative potential
  • 75% said they are under growing pressure to be productive rather than creative at work
  • Only about half of Americans would describe themselves as creative (global average is even lower at 39%) 
  • Time and money are seen as the biggest challenges to being able to create 

This research is published in April, 2012 and includes 5000 respondents in the US, UK, Germany, France and Japan.

And here is the full report online.

Have a peaceful evening.


May 20, 2012

Mark is talking

He believes:

"The biggest risk is not taking any risk."

"Most companies move too slowly. They are too afraid of making mistakes."

"Stay focused on the stuff, that you are providing to your users. You're gonna make a tone of mistakes - it doesn't mather. You don't get judged by the mistakes... People remember the things you did, that were good."

All these and a lot more in the interview with Mark Zuckerberg today, which one is describing himself "an impatient person". Enjoy it!

Have a great day.

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May 19, 2012

What do you think about Graffiti?

"Graffiti is so yesterday" says Jack Richter (LAPD), but in fact Graffiti is an artistic expression of thoughts and wishes using the public walls as communication channels and this could not be "so yesterday".

It's not only an exposition of beliefs and attitudes, but also a form of communication, because Graffiti provides a window into the live of people.

The attitude to Graffiti is both positive and negative - the institutions "don't appreciate" it very much. But there are real pieces of art among them. There's very interesting movie about the Graffiti art, named "Outside in: the story of art in the streets". Don't miss it. And here's the trailer:

Have a nice day.

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May 17, 2012

Blue Ocean strategy

Which ocean do you choose - the blue one or the red one?

The Blue Ocean Strategy is based on the idea, that the organizations could generate high growth and profits by creating new demand in an uncontested market space, rather than by competing head-to-head with other suppliers for known customers in an existing industry.

Blue Ocean Strategy is a way to make the competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value for both the company and its customers.

While traditional competition-based strategies (red ocean strategies) are necessary, they are not sufficient to sustain high performance. Companies need to go beyond competing. To seize new profit and growth opportunities they also need to create blue oceans”. Blue Ocean Strategy reorients the focus from competitors to alternatives and pursues both product differentiation and low cost.

The metaphors of red and blue oceans describe in fact the market universe:
  • Red Oceans are all the industries in existence today – the known market space. In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. 
  • Blue oceans, in contrast, denote all the industries not in existence today – the unknown market space, untainted by competition. Blue ocean is an analogy to describe the wider, deeper potential of market space that is not yet explored.
So, which ocean do you choose?

Here is very useful video about the Blue Ocean Strategy, which explains how to make the competition irrelevant. The material is with a length 1:04:41 and there is a long introduction - about 5 minutes, which could be skiped, but the rest of the material is really worth seeing. Enjoy it! 


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Branding is...

What is branding?

The brand is not just a logo or a corporate identity. It's related to belonging, passion, a set of unique values. The value of a brand could be enormous. For example, in 2010 Coca Cola brand was valued at 70 452 000 000 dollars.

As Meg Whitman says "When people use your brand as verb, that is remarkable". People talk in a "brand way", when there are brands, that really engage them:
  • Where is the xerox?
  • Photoshop that picture!
  • Google it!
The environment, in which the brands are created and further developed, is changing and the video below presents the way it happens. Enjoy it :)

Have a great day.

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May 8, 2012

What is crowdsourcing?

Do you know what is Crowdsourcing?

Here is a video, describing in a simple and clear way, what exactly Crowdsourcing means. Enjoy it!

It's Wednesday. Do something special.

May 7, 2012

Design thinking

Hi everybody!

There are movies, that have to be seen. One of them is Design & Thinking. 

This is a documentary about the "design thinking". In the movie are included different point of views of so many worth seeing people, that it will be a crime if you don't see the movie.

This is the first documentary about the impact design thinking has on the world and it's really an ambitious project. If you have the chance, see it. And here is the trailer.

Have a great Tuesday.

How to sell like an artist?

Continuing the theme for the creativity, here is a lecture of Austin Kleon, talking about stealing "like an artist".There's an interesting approach for explaining what means to "steal", when it comes to creativity.

Austin is using different examples to prove his theory that "nothing is completely original".

Enjoy it!


May 5, 2012

Stefan Sagmeister

As Paola Antonelli (Senior Curator, MOMA) says, he’s “gracefully brutal, always surprising master of communication”.

This description is for one of my favorite graphic designers - Stefan Sagmeister.

He was born in Austria and in 1993 he established in New York his own agency “Sagmeister Inc”. Guess how much employees has his agency? Only 5 and all they are designers – there are no accounts or client service people. Yes, it’s a small agency, which one proves once again, that “being small” is a worth thing in this business. 

One of Stefan’s advices about running an agency is “use time sheets. Use job sheets. Stay small. Take in more money than you spend. Work hard during the week but don't work weekends unless there is a real emergency.

Here is a worth seeing lecture of Stefan Sagmeister, where he’s sharing his experience and describes his vision on design and advertising. Enjoy it!

There's only one cloud today and I'm on it - I'm on cloud nine, because Stefan Sagmeister will be one of the lecturers at Sofia Design Week in June. See you there:)

It's already SUNday. Let it be sunny:)

Source of information:
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May 4, 2012

What is creativity - magic or not?

It's Saterday and while you drink your hot morning coffee, you could see the wonderful four-part documentary of Kirby Ferguson on the history of the collaborative creation, named "Everything is a remix". The four-part series show how combinatorial is the creativity in fact.

Do you think creativity is magic and only some people have access to it?

Kirby Ferguson says: 
"Creativity isn’t magic: it happens by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials. And the soil from which we grow our creations is something we scorn and misunderstand even though it gives us so much — and that’s… copying.”

Here is the third part of the documentary, titled "The Elements of Creativity". Enjoy it!

And if you're interested in the rest 3 parts of the documentary, here they are:

Have a wonderful Saterday.
Yours K.K.

May 3, 2012

Three questions

There are 3 questions today:

Do you love to write?  

Do you work in advertising agency?  

Are you a copywriter? 
If there's an answer "yes" to one of these questions, than the memo below is for you.

This is a memo, which one David Ogilvy sent in 1982 to all agency employees and it's titled "How to write".

It's interesting to read the advices of David Ogilvy on writing. Enjoy it!

"The better you write, the higher you go in Ogilvy & Mather. People who think well, write well.

Woolly minded people write woolly memos, woolly letters and woolly speeches.

Good writing is not a natural gift. You have to learn to write well. Here are 10 hints:

1. Read the Roman-Raphaelson book on writing. Read it three times.

2. Write the way you talk. Naturally.

3. Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.

4. Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.

5. Never write more than two pages on any subject.

6. Check your quotations.

7. Never send a letter or a memo on the day you write it. Read it aloud the next morning — and then edit it.

8. If it is something important, get a colleague to improve it.

9. Before you send your letter or your memo, make sure it is crystal clear what you want the recipient to do.

10. If you want ACTION, don’t write. Go and tell the guy what you want.


Source of information: Lists of Note
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Magic words of the day

Three words:
  • Social 
  • Media 
  • Revolution


May 1, 2012

What is social marketing?

Today it’s not associated so much with the social causes, but with the usage of the social networks. Now the main goal of the social marketing is how to make the product social and how to listen to the customers in a new way

In the video today Marcel LeBrun is talking about the transformation in the social marketing, using HP as an example.

What is happening in the social marketing?
  • the companies no longer control the message
  • the customers have the power to shape and influence the brand
  • marketing is about connections nowadays
  • the focus is not on the impressions any more. It’s beyond the impressions. It’s on the connections.

Enjoy the video!

Have a great day.

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