Aug 22, 2012

The advertising can make a brighter day, so let's start

I want to believe, that the goal of advertising is related not only with making money, but with making the world a better place as well. Here is what Sut Jhully thinks about it:

There was a song “We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving. There’s a choice we’re making, we’re saving our own lives, it’s true, we’ll make a better day, just you and me.”

Let’s make better days with better advertising – the right format, in the right moment, at the right place.

And please, YouTube stop these short TV ads before each music video – it’s not ad-vertising, it’s ad-destroying. Is there anybody, who believes that these ads before each video are desired ones by the users? Each product I see in these ads (without skip option) is for sure a product I will hate and don’t want, because these ads are destroying my comfort in the most brutal way and my association with them is related with only one word - the one, where “S” is saying “Hi” to “T”.

We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.

A campaign, which takes your breath away

Yes, life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. And it's always a pleasure to see a campaign with a wonderful creative concept and a brilliant execution, because these are the real campaigns, which take your breath away.

A good example for such a campaign is the "Jay-Z Decoded" campaign for Microsoft's search engine "Bing", during which pages of Jay-Z's memoir "Decoded" were positioned to unexpected locations - the bottom of a pool, the lining of a suit, etc. And not only that!

Here is the case study of the awesome campaign, developed by the NY agency Droga 5. Enjoy it!

It's really not a surprise, that the promotion won a 2011 Cannes Lion for the Outdoor Grand Prix.

Have a great day.

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Aug 21, 2012

Going viral

Thanks to SingleGrain here is a wonderful anatomy of going viral.

The image is presenting in a very simple and clear way:
  • the different types of viral
  • the reasons people share
  • the sites, which really could help go viral
  • the best viral marketing campaigns etc.

Enjoy it!

Product placement - how many products could be placed in one film?

You know, you see so many advertisements for a different kind of products on your TV screen, that you think it’s not possible there to be more.  

It's interesting the fact, that the first television advertisement was broadcast in the US on July 1, 1941. It was of the watchmaker Bulova and costed $9. The 10-second spot displayed a picture of a clock on the map of the United States with a VO "America runs on Bulova time". Here it is: 

But than the advertising of the products started to be not only in the commercial break between our favorite films, but also even in the films by the product placement. There are films like “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, where could be seen product placement of 47 brands. This is the last record. Can you believe it? 

Here is the brief history of conspicuous product placement in movies. Enjoy it!

Have a great day.

Image Souce:

Aug 16, 2012


There’s a famous coffee-house in my home town, named Logo. I love to go there just for a cup of coffee and to meet friends. I like the name Logo, because it’s so simple, clear, easy to remember and pronounce. And most of all I like the association with the logo as a symbol of something unique. This is how I came today to the subject for the logo.

Each company has its logo, which differentiates its products from the ones of the competitors.

To create a logo is one of the favorite tasks for the designers, because it’s related with creating something absolutely new and this thing is so emblematic, that it will be used for a long time in the future. It provides really big creative freedom for the designers.

But creating a logo is not an easy thing. It’s related with time and experience and right understanding of the personality of the company. And do you know how much does it cost to create a logo? There are as many answers of this question, as many the logos in the world are.

Here are some interesting facts about the cost of the logos of some of the most famous companies in the world.

Costs of logos: 

Google logo – created in 1998 for 0 dollars

Coca Cola logo – 0 dollars

Nike logo – created in 1971 for 35 dollars

Pepsi re-branding logo – created in 2008 for 1 000 000 dollars

BBC logo – created in 1997 for approx. 1 800 000 dollars

BP logo – created in 2001 for 211 000 000 dollars 

So how much does your logo cost?

It’s Friday. Fall in love :)

It's not in the list of the best ads of Olympics Y'12, but it's in the list of the best ads of a retailer ever

Have you heard about Sears? This is a 125-year-old brand of a leading integrated retailer with over 3 900 full-line and specialty retail stores in the United Stated and Canada.

This retailer launched its new ad during the 2012 Olympics. The old slogans in the previous commercials of the company "Come see the softer side of Sears" and "Sears. Life. Well spent." were changed to the last version "This is Sears". And the newest ad of Sears is in fact one of the favorite commercials, which is aired during the 2012 Olympics.

Here comes the question - Why?
  • Because, it's not just an ad about a boring retailer. It's an ad about an experience, which Sears stores provide to the clients.
  • It's an ad, which surprises. First you think, that this is another commercial cliche about happy young people, which will lead to the next usual product in this cases as food, drink or parfume. And - oh, surprise! It's a commercial for a retailer, which provides innovative products, that can't be found elsewhere.
  • The key word in this ad is "surprise". And the creative is related exactly with the idea, that this well known retailer still can surprise its customers with the best innovative products it provides.

I like the summer mood in this commercial, the fresh creative concept and the "surprising" element in it. I like the way the creative idea is executed as well.

And look outside. It's still summer. Go out and enjoy it :)

Be happy!

Image Source:

Aug 15, 2012

How far will you go for your tablet?

Yes, the new technologies are coming again and again in more perfect version and you can’t fight it. While you buy the last new version of one device, there’s already the next new version on the market. That’s the fast developing reality of the technology and you could not change it.

Today we’ll talk about the tablets, that already a lot of people use. There was very interesting survey in the beginning of this year from Yahoo and Ipsos MediaCT about the usage of tables by the Americans. And some of the results are unbelievable. Here they are:  

  • 91% of americans who own a tablet say they take their device to bed with them
  • 15% ot them say they would give up their car in order to keep their tablet – do you believe it?
  • one-third of the men are in the bathroom with their tablets
  • nearly 40% of female tablet owners say they would give up TV for their device.
  • 25% of female tablet owners say they would give up sex to keep their devices – again, do you believe it?

And how far will you go, in order to use your tablet? :)

Have a great day,

Image Source:

Aug 6, 2012

Rock the cliche

How many advertising campaigns of wine have you seen? What’s in common by them?

Answer – The cliché.

All advertising campaigns for such a product consist of a bottle of wine, a glass of wine, slogan, logo and a vineyard. 

That’s why when I saw the communication campaign of Aurora Wines, created by the advertising agency “Dez Comunicação”, Porto Alegre Brazil,  I said “Wow”. 


First of all the messages are brilliant – they don’t just say something in line of  “the best wine for your holidays” or “a wine by the nature” or “the wine of your grandfather” etc. This campaign consists of 4 messages, which are as follows:
  • "Sparkling wine goes well with seafood. Marcus james goes well with you."
  • "Riesling goes well with fish. Marcus james goes well with you.
  • "Merlot goes well with poultry. Marcus james goes well with you."
  • "Cabernet sauvignon goes well with red meat. Marcus james goes well with you."
As you could see, there’s no cliché message in the column above. Here the messages are not only emotional, but also educational and there’s no such other campaign like this one.

At the same time, the main hero in the visual is not a vineyard, a glass or a bottle, but the wine itself. We see the different kind of figures, which it forms in line with the respective message for each visual.

In this campaign we see in very interesting way the idea for sharing as well - to share the wine with the beloved people (this is the reason why we see not one, but two glasses). Because the happiness in life is exactly in sharing.

This campaign combines emotional with educational approach, showing at the same time with a style the advantages of the product.

Yes, it’s a campaign, which one rocks the cliché in the area of wines campaigns. Bravo!

Have a great day.

Aug 2, 2012

Inspiring work, created by an inspiring team

Do you love inspiring people - the ones, who make you see not only the beauty of the faces, but also the beauty of the hearts and the souls?

I don't love them, I ADORE them. Especially, when their work is making the world a bit better place.

Of such kind of people consists the team of the independent art company Teach.Co Ltd. I adore their 27 min. documentary "Who are those mothers", which one won in March this year the Award of the 5th Roma Life - Central European Documentary Festival. If you have the chance to see it, do it! It's really worth seeing.

But it's only one of the projects of Teach.Co art company and there are so much more like the 44 min. documentary "Night on the city", the documentary series "Never too late for a new beginning", the 15 min. short "In the bright light of noon" etc.

More information on

 What I like about the documentaries is that they are something you do for others. And as Kalu Kalu said: “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

Wish you a great day and be inspired.

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