Jan 30, 2013

Guerilla Marketing

If it's marketing, let it be guerilla!

Here are some wonderful examples of a guerilla marketing. Enjoy them!


Jan 29, 2013

Art Williams's Quote

“Win with your heart, not your head – win on emotion, not in logic; have a passion about what you do; nobody wants a boss , everybody wants a coach.” 

                                                             Art Williams, Founder of Primerica Financial Services

Philip Kotler's Quote

Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what to make. It is the art of identifying and understanding customer needs and creating solutions that deliver satisfaction to the customers, profits to the producers and benefits for the stakeholders.                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                            Philip Kotler

Jay Conrad Levinson's Quote

“Marketing is not an event, but a process . . . It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely.”
                                                                                                     Jay Conrad Levinson

Jan 27, 2013

Damn good ad

Oh, this ad campaign is so crazy and so straight to the point! For sure the participants will remember it always.

You just have to see it!

Enjoy it!


Jan 22, 2013

Brand identity

The brand identity is very important part for each business. A company without a brand, logo, slogan and business strategy is a one, which will not last a long time.

A very good example for a successful and interesting brand identity is one of the business of Megan Sheerin - an Australian corporate communications consultant.

Enjoy it!


Interesting Outdoor communication

Here is an interesting case study of the Norwegian Air and Kitchen. It's about the airline's cheap flight deals to the Norway's sunnier destinations.

How did they make it popular? By showing how bad it is to stay where you are, when you could go so easy to a better place. They have developed a worth seeing outdoor communication tool, related with this task.

Enjoy it!


Mike Rigby's Quote

“Optimist see the glass half full, pessimist half empty and designers see the wrong shaped glass.”

                                                                                                        Mike Rigby of Interbrand Australia

Jan 21, 2013

Stay creative

The creativity is not something, which you're born with. It could be cultivates.

And how to stay creative? Here is a wonderful video, showing 29 ways to achieve it.

Enjoy it!


Jan 20, 2013

UNICEF campaign

The advertising agency Jung von Matt (Sweden) has developed this key visual for the campaign of Unicef "Water kills".

The key message is straight to the point: "Bad water kills more children than war". This is an example for a good KEY message, because it's emotional, it makes you think about the problem without no doubt and at the same time even if you didn't know this fact till now, the key message makes it clear for you.

Regarding the visual:
  • Yes - the connection between the war and the water is illustrated in easy to understand way, by using this water pistol
  • Yes - the main hero on the visual is a real victim
  • Yes - the key message is straight to the point
  • No - the visual presents the problem a bit "literal"
  • No - Below the key message we see the text "Support the "One drop of water" project. SMS "Drop" to...to donate..."Do you believe, that a sms could make a change? The sms is not an action, which makes a change. It's an action for the mobile operators, which one generated incomes for them. The real action for making a change is related with going out and doing something and not with sitting at home, in front of the TV and sms-ing.

And what do you think about it?

Have a great day,

Miles Newlyn's Quote

Stories have an end, and unless you want to think of your brand as having an end, then forget the storytelling idea, and forget people who talk about brand storytelling

                                                                                                                                                          Miles Newlyn

Jan 17, 2013

Massimo Vignelli's Quote

“The first thing you need to make clear to a client is that you aren’t there to answer his wants but to answer his needs.”

                                                                                                                                      Massimo Vignelli

Mike Rigby's Quote

Branding, to a degree, is invisible. Often the most valuable part of the branding program actually goes on behind the scenes. Internal engagements, giving an organization and a brand renewed focus and passion and belief and unity. That’s something that not a lot of people see that don’t work in branding.

Design isn’t just an iterative process, it’s actually a really emotional one. We have to really care about what we’re doing, and care about out clients’ businesses.

We design feelings first, not graphics.

It’s often said that a brand is like a person. What I would add to that is that branding is about finding the very best in that person. That’s a fantastic job.


                                                                                                    Mike Rigby of Interbrand Australia

Quote of Josh Denberg & Paul Hirsch

"When writing a brief, planners should keep one really important thing in mind: Creatives are not as smart as planners. We are dumb. We are easily distracted by shiny objects. Obscure references confuse us. And we didn’t read that book by that guy.

If you make it in any way complicated, we’ll be confused. Or our egos will kick in and we’ll say, “It’s shit” when really we just don’t understand it.

So keep it simple. Not simple for you. Simple like telling an 8-year-old how to wash dishes. Simple like helping your stoned friend put a coat on. Simple like giving instructions to the guy at Kinkos.

Make one point, then repeat it. If your brief gives us a tiny box to work in, we can’t wander off and get lost."

                                                                Josh Denberg and Paul Hirsch/ 
                                                                Creative Directors at Division of Labor

Yo Santosa's Quote

Brands need to be entertaining. They’re like people, they need personality. At the end of the day, people don’t fall in love with businesses, they fall in love with personalities.

I do miss [designing]. At one point, when it got a little bigger and I realized I didn’t have time to design anymore, it got really frustrating for me. I think that was just me transitioning into a creative director role. A designer would do something and I would say, ‘Let me take your file and mess around with it,’ and of course the designers got kind of insulted. After awhile I started learning to just let go and trust it and really communicate better.

What I’ve learned through the process of working in different mediums is that it’s really not about the medium. When you create brands, it has to be applied across every touch point and every touch point has to speak differently.

                                                                                                                Yo Santosa of Ferroconcrete